Frequently Asked Questions

If a large majority of co-workers show support by signing cards (or a petition), a request can be made to the National Labor Relations Board to conduct a secret ballot election. The public sector uses a similar process. The election will officially determine whether or not a majority (50% plus one of those who vote) wants to have a union. Once the election is won, the law requires your employer to recognize your union and negotiate in good faith. There are other creative ways to put pressure on your employer to recognize your union. A government-supervised election is just one alternative. Click here to contact an OPEIU Local 29.   

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It is against the law for your employer to ask you about your union activity or to threaten, harass, fire, discipline or discriminate against you because of union activity. The National Labor Relations Act protects workers trying to form a union. When workers organize with OPEIU they can depend on support and back up if needed. Click here to learn more about Your Legal Rights.   

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